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  • Can I Keep A Dog In An Apartment?
    February 17, 2017 Joanne Roper

    Can I Keep A Dog In An Apartment?

    With more and more people choosing to downsize their living arrangements and move into apartments, the result is that a lot of people are asking if it’s ok to keep a dog in the city. There are some people who...

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  • How to Care For Your Rottweiler
    February 9, 2017 Bean Digital Media Collaborator

    How to Care For Your Rottweiler

    Rottweilers are large and muscly breed and are often used as police and security dogs. Although they are often stereotyped as being unfriendly and unsuitable to keep as a pet, in reality, they are friendly and loving. Their large and fearsome...

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  • Spotting The Signs Of Neuromuscular Disease in Dogs
    February 7, 2017 Bean Digital Media Collaborator

    Spotting The Signs Of Neuromuscular Disease in Dogs

    Your dog’s nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. Between the nerves and muscles there are neuromuscular junctions which send signals to the muscles to contact. These junctions aid in everything from walking...

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  • Caring For Your Cat After He Has Been Neutered
    February 3, 2017 Bean Digital Media Collaborator

    Caring For Your Cat After He Has Been Neutered

    Any responsible cat owner will tell you that if you aren’t planning to breed your pet, the best thing you can do for their health is to have them neutered or spayed. If you plan to let your cat outside,...

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  • Advice For Dog Breeders: How To Hand Rear Puppies
    January 31, 2017 Bean Digital Media Collaborator

    Advice For Dog Breeders: How To Hand Rear Puppies

    If you find yourself caring for orphaned puppies, or if the dam is unable to care for her puppies, you may have to hand rear the puppies. Hand rearing involves feeding the litter every two to four hours, day and...

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  • What To Look For In A Potential Sire For Your Litter
    January 27, 2017 Bean Digital Media Collaborator

    What To Look For In A Potential Sire For Your Litter

    If you’ve made the decision to breed your pedigree dog, the next step is to find a suitable sire. Before choosing a suitable male dog, there are a few things you need to consider. These questions are also useful for...

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  • Common Dog Paw Health Problems And How To Treat Them
    January 25, 2017 Bean Digital Media Collaborator

    Common Dog Paw Health Problems And How To Treat Them

    You may be well-versed in what it takes to keep your dog’s coat healthy, but not many people know how to spot a healthy or unhealthy paw. When it comes to grooming, many people stop at clipping their dog’s nails,...

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  • How to Keep Unwelcome Cats Out Of Your Home
    January 19, 2017 Bean Digital Media Collaborator

    How to Keep Unwelcome Cats Out Of Your Home

    If your cat likes to roam outdoors, chances are you have a cat flap that will let him come and go as he pleases. And even if you don’t have a cat flap, an open window can be an equally...

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